You can release your trapped emotional baggage!

It’s the stuff no one likes to talk about: Emotional baggage. Yes, I’m talking to you.

Maybe you think you’re all good, and you don’t let the past bother you. ‘Everything’s fine, I’ve got it all handled.’ is what you say to yourself. Things like a bad breakup or divorce that happened years ago. Or that time when you got fired, kicked out of school, or the fender bender at the grocery store last week. And then there’s the really big stuff: Injury, illness or even the death of a loved one, financial ruin, or losing your home. You didn’t take the time to process the emotions that resulted from events like these, no, you just stuffed them all down inside you, wiped away the tears and acted like you’re OK. Sound familiar?

Here’s the question: Did you ever imagine that negative trapped emotions could be holding you back now from happiness, reaching your goals and/or living your best life on your terms?

If you’re alive, and have had ANY life experiences, chances are you have some of these hidden trapped emotions. 90% of us do. And they can affect you physically, mentally and emotionally, whether you’re aware of them or not.

The good news is that with a process called The Emotion Code, you can identify and release these trapped emotions one at a time. Whether they are common to you, shared, absorbed or inherited, they can be released, freeing you from the heavy burden of carrying around these ‘rocks’ in your emotional backpack.

This process is outlined in The Emotion Code book, and explains how once you learn this, you can release your own trapped emotions, or those of a family member or friend. You can also press the easy button by working with someone like me who is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, in 30 minute sessions done over Zoom, the phone, or by email.

Here’s a list of the type of issues that Emotion Code may help with:

  • Physical discomfort or pain

  • Sadness; grief; loss; frustration

  • Fears or phobias; worry; feeling anxious or overwhelmed

  • Limiting beliefs about yourself (I’m not good enough; low self-esteem)

  • Feeling stuck in life: relationships, work, unmotivated

  • Mental blocks: Money, success, weight-loss, goals

  • PTSD & more

Many people report feeling lighter, more open, and even in less discomfort or pain after only 1 or 2 sessions, and that the memory of their past experiences no longer have the same ‘emotional charge’ they did before.

Take a step towards freeing yourself from your emotional baggage, and give yourself the gift of feeling happier, emotionally stable and open to honest, loving relationships by experiencing what an Emotion Code session can do for you.

Your health and wellness is, after all, up to you. It’s your turn to feel better.


Everything is energy